Tuesday, September 13, 2016

The Wind Beneath my Workout! (Thursday, May 19, 2016)

What a day! I woke up this morning to find my Week 6 blog had been featured again and the comments were pouring in! The momentum has kept up all day with TONS of comments!

I'm so fortunate to have found the amazing SP community that is so filled with kind, uplifting, inspiring words! Each comment has made my heart smile!

I'm awed at being told I'm an inspiration and motivation! All of your kindness has inspired and motivated ME!

I hit the treadmill tonight and did my first 19 minute session (23 minutes with cool down) and a total of 30 minutes with warm up and the walking back to my apartment. I made it 0.68 miles tonight! I'm so incredibly proud of myself! I've come so far!

The tops of my feet don't hurt anymore! My ankles don't hurt as bad as they used to. It's so much better than even a month ago! I thought about all of the comments and friends here on SP the entire time on the treadmill tonight. Thank you all again for being so amazing and motivating!

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